Top 10 tips for planning a corporate event

By Anne Sexton - Last update

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Planning a successful corporate event takes time, as well as attention to detail. Here we round up 10 tips that keep you and your event on track.

1. Location, location, location

The first and most important factor to take into account when booking your conference is the location as well as its proximity to the target audience and transport links. You should also take into consideration whether there is onsite parking or a car park near to the venue.

2. Check out the venue in person

Don’t book a venue without looking around, even if you have attended events there before. Memory can be tricky! Call into for a show around before confirming your event. You should also consider if you need natural light, air conditioning and so forth.

3. Consider the cost of transportation

How are you going to transport equipment, printed material and exhibition collateral as well as staff to the venue? The cost of your conference could rise significantly if you only factor in transport at a later stage.

4. Have a venue point of contact

By their very nature, conference details can change up until the last moment so make sure you are in close communication with the person from the venue who is looking after your event. Make sure that you confirm, in writing, all your requirements with the venue.

5. Look out for hidden costs

Confirm the availability and provision of all the audiovisual equipment, such as projectors, DVD players, and Wi-Fi, which you need for the conference. While the initial cost of the room might seem very competitive, when you add the AV equipment charges it can be a lot more. Therefore, you have to consider all costs when deciding on the venue, and not just the initial room hire.

6. Negotiate accommodation costs

If you need accommodation, you should negotiate this into the overall cost before signing on the dotted line.

7. Manage breaks and refreshments 

Managing breaks are important to ensure that your event goes to plan. You need to provide sufficiently for the number of people attending and ensure that refreshments will be efficiently served .

8. Get lunch orders in beforehand

If there is a choice of lunch and a limited lunch time, ask attendees to make their food selection beforehand. That way the venue has time to prepare in good time.

9. Leave enough time to get set up

Make arrangements to call to the venue the evening previous or the morning before the start of the event. You will need at least an hour to make sure that everything is in working order.

10. Have good signage in place

You need proper signage in place so that attendees can find your event, particularly if your venue has several conference areas. The venue should have no problem providing this for you.

Anne Sexton

Team building days: making sure they work towards company goals
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