Teamwork training helps both individuals and groups to focus on what is important, rewarding and productive when it comes to working together. Teamwork training builds on the natural human instinct to be part of a group and to defend that group from other groups and other influences. It is also natural for people to defend their position within these groups as an individual. Teamwork training is designed to break down any cliques, silos or dysfunctionality within a team so they can all pull together towards a common goal. Teamwork skills training is designed to suit your needs and fulfill the objectives you set, particular to your organisation or your needs.
What does Teamwork Training Cover?
Teamwork training essentially helps groups of people in how they work together in order to deliver an objective. Most of the time in our working lives, we focus on what we are doing, with team interactions, we look at how we do it and how we can cohesively help each other and improve productivity and performance. How teams work together, how they can be supported and how they can improve together is of vital importance to the course. Teamwork training helps your people to improve their interactions, appreciate different members of the team, and understand different approaches and different styles which are inherent in groups and how to manage them.
Course Content Includes
As teamwork, in order for it to be successful, requires a level of fun and engagement, teamwork training typically consists of a wide range of activities which can be selected to create your training schedule. For some clients, it can produce a totally bespoke solution based on a creative theme. Sometimes this is inspired by the location or venue or areas of common interest amongst the group. Activities can be indoor, outdoor or even offshore. This includes team analysis of situations, facilitated discussions, treasure hunts, quizzes, and many activities. Teamwork training also includes input from experts in particular areas to help guide teams that are working toward specific organisational goals.
These Courses Cover:
- How team communication works and what communication challenges need addressing.
- How to start, or reform a new team in a positive way.
- How to harness teams to work together remotely and across international boundaries.
- How to create a working team with members from across different and diverse disciplines.
- How to put in place processes and tests to measure the effectiveness and cohesiveness of the team.
- How to coach a team through challenging times or how to refocus a team after dramatic change or trauma.
What you will learn
Using established international and best practice models, you will learn the theories behind effective teamwork and then learn how to put them into practice in a real-world setting that is relevant to you organisation or your area of business. The element of difference and fun is one of the key elements of what makes teamwork training deliver, with the training, often offsite, contributing to team bonding and a feeling of ‘building’ something together.
Why it Delivers
Teamwork training delivers for any group of people who work together or can benefit from improving their effectiveness through teamwork training. This could be a functional team such as finance teams, sales team, safety teams, regulatory teams, management teams. It could also be businesses such as the entire company or office team. It could also be project teams brought together for the training to create cohesion, in which case the training is often part of a service or product launch event. It’s also an excellent tool for the small business or entrepreneur who may need to cooperate with remote teams in order to deliver a product or a service.