Master your negotiation skills at Carr Communications – sign up for their course and get the best training you can.
We all negotiate every day. This course is designed for anyone who has to negotiate. The level will vary from junior managers dealing with suppliers and clients, to salary negotiations, up to executive and corporate negotiations.
This course will show you how to:
- Prepare for any negotiation
- Create a strategy and tactics
- Focus on issues, not emotions
- Use critical thinking methods
- Use objective criteria and evidence
- Create options for mutual gain
- Deal with different personalities and styles
- Listen effectively
- Protect relationships and outcomes
Enquire / Book here
Carr Communications have also devised a Negotiation Skills One-Day Open Programme – Click here
Carr Communications design and deliver tailored training programmes to match the precise needs of organisations. Their training programmes are tailored to suit all levels, from the most junior person at induction level to Senior Management and Executive Teams.
Carr Communications also run a series of open programmes once a month in core communications areas.
As one of Ireland’s longest-running communications companies, Carr Communications has become a household brand name for media, public relations, communications, and business / management training and development. Its reputation for handling media crises and preparing people for media has become such that other Public Relations companies bring their clients to Carr Communications’ TV and radio studios to help them prepare responses for difficult issues and interviews.