Minister Calleary urges public and businesses to have their say on AI

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment is leading the national implementation of the EU Artificial Intelligence Act and is now seeking submissions from interested parties to guide it in this work.

The Act, which is an EU regulation, aims to protect people’s health, safety and fundamental rights. The regulation is designed to reduce the cost of compliance for business, in particular, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation, Dara Calleary TD commented:

“My department is leading the implementation of the AI Act and we want to determine the most efficient and effective structure for its implementation. We want views on how the Act might operate with existing digital markets, services, and infrastructure and to consider how it can enhance Ireland’s position as a leading Digital Economy.

“Our national AI strategy advocates use of AI through a people-centred, ethical approach to its development, adoption, and use. How can Ireland’s implementation of the AI Act drive support and accelerate progress from each of these perspectives and what should excellence in AI Regulation look like?  We want to hear your views on these key matters to help inform how this Act and AI generally can best serve society in the years ahead.

“The ambitious timeline for implementation calls for a collective approach, and in this vein, I would encourage all interested parties to participate in this public consultation.”

The consultation document is available here: Public consultation on National Implementation of EU Harmonised Rules on Artificial Intelligence (AI Act)

Interested parties are invited to submit responses by 5pm on Tuesday, 16 July 2024.


Steven Galvin

Sustainability is Good for Business
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