How do I create/edit a course advertisement?

By troy - Last update

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To edit a course advertisement, go to and log in via the provider portal.

Once you are in the course provider dashboard, you must first select the sites you want the course to appear on. You can do this either by selecting a site (or sites) from the main page of the course provider dashboard or selecting one of the site courses buttons from the side menu. Once there you have two options:

  1. If you wish to edit a course, you will now see a list of course advertisement(s). On the right-hand side of the course advertisement(s) list, click the Edit. Edit your course advertisement accordingly.
  2. If you wish to create a course, you must click the “+Create New Course” button directly below the “Manage Courses – Site Title” heading.

Once you have completed all edits and are happy with the course advertisement, scroll down to the bottom of the page to preview the course ad, click the Preview course ad link.

Click the Save and advertise button.

A confirmation will appear stating that your course information has been submitted and we will review it and publish it soon.


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