Corporate Training courses by Chartered Accountants Ireland
Unfortunately, there are no courses listed in our database in Chartered Accountants Ireland. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
Whether you like it or not, you are a brand. Famous brands like Coca-Cola, the Big Mac or the iPhone, elicit an emotional reaction from us. Most people have an opinion – either positive or negative – about each of these. Celebrities are brands too. This branding is part of their star image and is used […]
The onset of the pandemic has propelled managers, leaders and business owners into the slightly surreal world of sustained remote performance management. With the rapid onset of societal lockdowns, organisations were forced to make this transition quickly, and for the most part, without dedicated preparation or training. Let’s take a look at some of the […]
Donald H Taylor takes a hard look at informal learning and asks if it is an opportunity or threat for learning and development professionals. For a while there everyone was talking about informal learning – at conferences, in books and on the internet. But what does informal learning mean? In particular, what does it mean […]
A new report has identified Skills Gap & Financial Support Problems for SMEs finding that many small and medium sized enterprises are facing certain struggles when it comes to boosting productivity and business development due to emerging skill gaps in financial analysis and risk assessment. Skills Gap & Financial Support Problems for SMEs The report, […]
Stress is dangerous, for your wellbeing, physical and mental and for the wellbeing of those around you. In terms of the workplace environment, stress and stressful environments are frequently cited as one of the largest issues of modern working life. Stress creates tension in the workplace, and severely inhibits productivity, work-life balance and the ability […]
With more and more work done remotely, the written word is more powerful than ever before. Clear, concise and well-structured writing can grow a business, create a strong brand image and effect change. Business writing skills training is designed to help you combine the power of words with the ease and speed of email and […]
If you´re thinking about becoming an accountant well, take comfort. You couldn´t be joining the profession at a better time! Accountancy as a profession has experienced unprecedented growth in recent times in Ireland and in Europe. In Ireland and Britain, it amoung the largest single employer of university graduates from any discipline. Some of the […]
Findings from the Consultation on Right to Request Remote Working Earlier this year saw the publication of a new National Remote Work Strategy by the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leo Varadkar TD. to make remote and blended working a bigger part of life after the pandemic. The objective of the […]
Excel is one of the most ubiquitous software packages in the world, enabling businesses of vastly different scales to perform both basic and complex financial calculations and data driven analysis. Learning how to utilise the vast capabilities of Excel is a very valuable toolset for either your own professional development or that of your employees. […]
Negotiation is something which everyone does at some point in their professional lives, either regularly or on occasion. Most people would realise that they could do it better. Negotiating, and reaching an agreement, permeates every aspect of almost every and is a highly valued skill critical to success. A negotiating skills programme focuses on the […]