Hoshin Planning (Strategy Deployment)

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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Hoshin Planning, also known as Hoshin Kanri or Strategy Deployment, is a strategic management methodology that helps organizations align their goals, objectives, and actions across all levels of the organization. Originating in Japan, “Hoshin” means “compass needle” or “direction,” and “Kanri” means “management” or “control.” Together, Hoshin Kanri can be understood as “managing the direction” of an organization.

Key Aspects of Hoshin Planning:

  1. Alignment and Focus:
    • Hoshin Planning ensures that everyone in the organization is working towards the same strategic goals. It aligns the organization’s long-term vision with its annual objectives, departmental goals, and individual targets.
  2. Catchball Process:
    • This is a collaborative communication process used during Hoshin Planning, where ideas and goals are “thrown” back and forth between different levels of the organization. This helps refine objectives and ensures that all levels of the organization are aligned and committed to the goals.
  3. Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle:
    • Hoshin Planning integrates the PDCA cycle to continuously improve processes. After setting goals (Plan), the organization implements strategies (Do), monitors progress (Check), and makes necessary adjustments (Act) to stay on track toward the long-term vision.
  4. X-Matrix:
    • The X-Matrix is a visual tool commonly used in Hoshin Planning. It maps out the relationships between objectives, key performance indicators (KPIs), strategies, and owners of those strategies, all on a single page. This helps in tracking progress and ensuring that actions are aligned with strategic goals.
  5. Annual and Breakthrough Objectives:
    • Hoshin Planning distinguishes between annual objectives, which are short-term goals for the current year, and breakthrough objectives, which are more significant, long-term goals that might take three to five years to achieve. The process helps prioritize these objectives to ensure sustained progress.

Benefits of Hoshin Planning:

  • Strategic Alignment: Ensures that every part of the organization is working toward common, clearly defined goals.
  • Improved Communication: Facilitates better communication and collaboration across all levels of the organization.
  • Focused Execution: Helps organizations focus on critical objectives and avoid getting sidetracked by less important tasks.
  • Continuous Improvement: Through the PDCA cycle, Hoshin Planning promotes ongoing improvement and adaptability.

Hoshin Planning is particularly effective in complex organizations where strategic goals need to be effectively communicated and executed across multiple departments or units. By focusing on clear objectives, consistent communication, and continuous improvement, it helps organizations achieve their long-term strategic vision.


Hoshin Planning (Strategy Deployment)


LBSPartners training programme assists management to align the goals of the organisation (strategy) with management plans (tactics) and work performed by the entire workforce (operations).

Steven Galvin

Carr Communications
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