Course Description

Certificate in Finance

The aim of the Certificate in Finance is to introduce the basic principles of finance and provide a solid grounding across the discipline. The course will incorporate the financial reporting function, which deals with recording transactions and making payments, through management accounting, which derives costs, develops budgets and reports on differences between actual expenditure and budgets to the control and audit of systems and results. Furthermore, the course will consider the ‘umbrella’ of Governance, under which all organisations must operate and the context of Public Sector finance.

Training ProviderInstitute of Public Administration
Course LocationBallsbridge, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 4
Course CategoryFinancial Management, Finance
Course QualificationLevel 6 Higher Certificate
Awarding BodyNational University of Ireland
Course Duration1 year
Course FeePOA
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Course Provider

Institute of Public Administration

57-61 Lansdowne Road,, Ballsbridge, Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ireland. Eircode: D04 TC62

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    Institute of Public Administration
    57-61 Lansdowne Road,
    Ballsbridge, Ballsbridge, Dublin
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