Course Description

Customer Service Excellence Workshop

In this Customer Service Excellence workshop, we will help you to review and develop effective communication skills that can be used in any customer interaction, face to face, over the phone or in writing, to enhance the outcome. This is a highly interactive, experience-driven training class; you will not only have the chance to review your current customer service practices but will also be introduced to new models, skills and strategies that can be applied to even the most difficult customer interactions. You will have the chance to practice these in a safe environment before you take them back to your workplace.

Training ProviderDCM Learning
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 8
Course CategoryCustomer Service & Care, Sales & Marketing
Course Duration1 day
Course FeePOA
For information about DCM Learning, please visit our Training Provider page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

DCM Learning

Guiness Enterprise Centre, Taylor's Lane, Dublin, Ireland

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    DCM Learning
    Guiness Enterprise Centre
    Taylor's Lane, Dublin
    Visit Website