Course Description

Customer Service Training Course

Imagine a workplace where everyone chooses to bring energy, passion, and a positive attitude to the job every day. Imagine an environment in which people are truly connected to their work, to their colleagues and to their customers. Our highly practical 1 Day Customer Service training has the ultimate goal of providing your staff with the tools to provide a consistently high quality customer experience. Gaining customers is 5 times harder than keeping them, therefore good customer service skills are crucial for your business’ reputation.

Training ProviderDCM Learning
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 8
Course CategoryCustomer Service, Communication Skills
Course Start Date10th April 2017
Course Duration1 day
Course FeePOA
For information about DCM Learning, please visit our Training Provider page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

DCM Learning

Guiness Enterprise Centre, Taylor's Lane, Dublin, Ireland

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    DCM Learning
    Guiness Enterprise Centre
    Taylor's Lane, Dublin
    Visit Website