Course Description

Effective Communication Skills

Not much has changed since George Bernard Shaw stated that The problem with communication is the illusion that is has occurred! Being able to communicate effectively helps you to create a positive impact in your workplace. Poor communication skills at work, whether face-to-face or online, often lead to serious issues, for instance when people send an abrupt or muddled email when a phone call or face-to-face meeting would be much more effective. Important communication skills covered in this course include being able to question effectively, listen actively, influence successfully, build understanding and deal with conflict where necessary.

Training ProviderIrish Business Training Ltd.
Course LocationRaheen, Limerick
Course CategoryEffective Communication, Communication Skills
Course Duration1/2 days
For information about Irish Business Training Ltd., please visit our Training Provider page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Irish Business Training Ltd.

Raheen Conference Centre, Raheen, Limerick, Ireland

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    Irish Business Training Ltd.
    Raheen Conference Centre
    Raheen, Limerick
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