Course Description

Effective Interviewing Skills

It is often said that a company is only as good as its employees and it is widely recognised that hiring the right people leads to success in business. Recruiting the wrong people can cost your company money, time and lost business. This training course will provide you with the skills required to interview and select the best candidate every time. The Effective Interviewing Skills course will benefit all those who are involved in recruitment and selection.

Training ProviderIrish Business Training Ltd.
Course LocationRaheen, Limerick
Course CategoryInterview Skills, Communication Skills
Course Duration1 day
For information about Irish Business Training Ltd., please visit our Training Provider page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Irish Business Training Ltd.

Raheen Conference Centre, Raheen, Limerick, Ireland

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    Irish Business Training Ltd.
    Raheen Conference Centre
    Raheen, Limerick
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