Course Description

Introduction To Social Media

This hands-on course will look at how businesses are using Social Media to generate results and revenue. Find out what platforms your business should be using and what are the emerging Social Media trends in Ireland in 2016. The course will look at all the main social media channels and assist you in deciding which ones are best for your business. It will also help you understand the important role Content Marketing and Social Advertising play when executing an effective social media strategy.

Training ProviderTSS Training
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 18
Course CategorySocial Media Marketing, Sales & Marketing
Course Duration1 day
Course Fee245
Phone1890 260006
For information about TSS Training, please visit our Training Provider page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

TSS Training

Carrington House, 19-22 Bray Road, Dublin, Ireland

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    TSS Training
    Carrington House
    19-22 Bray Road, Dublin
    Visit Website