Course Description

ITEC Level 4 Certificate in Skin Needling

The VTCT (ITEC) Level 4 Certificate in Skin Needling is an advanced therapy qualification aimed at level 3 qualified practitioners aged 18 and over, who wish to add this therapy to their repertoire of treatment offerings.

CIT Therapy, Micro-needling or dermal rolling has quickly become a popular treatment in the fight against premature ageing and the visual reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. It has proved to be such an effective therapy that skin resurfacing has taken a back seat. The procedure is not just effective for the visual reduction of premature ageing but also provides for:

  • Post-traumatic burns and scar alopecia
  • Acne scarring
  • Post-surgical scars
  • Melasma
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Hyperhidrosis
  • Stretch Marks

Learners are required to hold a level 3 beauty therapy qualification or equivalent.

What does this qualification cover?

This qualification is informed by employers and national occupational standards for beauty therapy and includes all the required elements to work effectively as a fully commercial skin needling practitioner. Learners must achieve all mandatory units which include:

  • Principles and practice of non-medical aesthetic therapies
  • Advanced consultation for non-medical aesthetic therapies
  • Advanced skin care for non-medical aesthetic therapies
  • Provide cosmetic skin needling treatments

Throughout this qualification, learners will develop their knowledge and understanding of relevant anatomy and physiology and health and safety pertaining to level 4 non-medical aesthetic therapies. They will also develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to consult with and analyse clients whilst providing skin needling treatments. In parallel, learners will develop their communication and customer service skills and widen their knowledge of the principles and practices of level 4 nonmedical aesthetic therapies, all of which are valued highly by employers.

Why is this qualification the most suitable?

This qualification is one of a new suite of level 4 advanced non-medical aesthetic therapies developed as a progression route for level 3 practitioners wishing to add to their repertoire in specific treatment modalities.

What could this qualification lead to?

The primary purpose of this qualification is to prepare learners for employment in the advanced non-medical aesthetic industry providing skin needling techniques. Additionally, learners may choose to further develop their knowledge and skills by completing supplementary specialist qualifications at level 4 in one or more of the following areas:

  • Skin peeling
  • Radio frequency
  • Ultrasound
Training ProviderAesthetic Training Academy Ireland (A.T.A.I.)
Course LocationSwords, Dublin
Location PostcodeCo. Dublin
Course Category
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course QualificationLevel 4 Certificate
Awarding BodyITEC
Awarding Body DetailsCertificate in Skin Needling
Course Duration8 Weeks
Course Fee1850
Entry RequirementsWe require an NVQ/ITEC/CIBTAC/CIDESCO Beauty Specialists Level 2 or higher qualification for beauty therapists. If you are a nurse or allied health professional that also qualifies you for this course.
Course CodeBT4C5
For information about Aesthetic Training Academy Ireland (A.T.A.I.), please visit our Training Provider page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Aesthetic Training Academy Ireland (A.T.A.I.)

52a Main Street, Swords, Co Dublin Eircode K67 K7X6, Swords, Dublin, Ireland. Eircode: K67K7X6

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    Aesthetic Training Academy Ireland (A.T.A.I.)
    52a Main Street, Swords, Co Dublin Eircode K67 K7X6
    Swords, Dublin
    Visit Website