Course Description

Managing Diversity for Managers Training

Why should diversity and inclusion matter to you and your organisation? The answer lies in that one thing we all strive for, success. Mounting evidence shows organisations that are more diverse and inclusive outperform those that are not. In business, everything changes, and with that, its happening all the time. As a manager you must be different, your management skills must be diverse, in order to compete with competition, and to keep your employees motivated and interested. This one day course will help you develop the ability to generate creativity and innovation, enhanced by diverse perspectives and experiences.

Training ProviderDCM Learning
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 8
Course Category
Course Start Date19th May 2017
Course Duration1 day
Course FeePOA
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Course Provider

DCM Learning

Guiness Enterprise Centre, Taylor's Lane, Dublin, Ireland

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    DCM Learning
    Guiness Enterprise Centre
    Taylor's Lane, Dublin
    Visit Website