Course Description

Mediation Skills for Managers

This three-day Mediation Skills for Managers training programme is designed to give participants an understanding of conflict and different approaches to managing conflict, awareness of their own style, where mediation sits within the range of alternative dispute resolution approaches, an introduction to the theory and practice of mediation as well as an understanding of the mediation model and relevant skills.

Who is it for?

The Mediation Skillls for Managers programme is suitable for staff at all levels who wish to enhance their knowledge, skills and approach to conflict resolution, in particular in relation to organisational/workplace conflict.

Learning Outcomes

The aim of the Mediation Skills for Managers programme is to give participants:

  • An understanding of mediation as a mechanism for dispute resolution and how it differs from other dispute resolutions methods;
  • An understanding of the five step framework for mediation;
  • An understanding of the benefits of using a mediation approach in resolving conflict locally within their own organisations;
  • A greater understanding of conflict and conflict management;
  • A set of skills / tools to make them personally more effective when managing conflict/disputes and/or difficult conversations within the workplace.

Course Content

Among the issues covered in the Mediation Skills for Managers programme will be:

  • Understanding the structure and principles of Mediation;
  • Analysis of conflict, why it happens and how to deal with it;
  • Personal responses to conflict;
  • Benefits of adopting a mediation approach to conflict resolution;
  • Effective listening, questioning, negotiating and communication skills;
  • Opportunity to practice the skills required in dealing with workplace issues adopting a mediation approach.

The Mediation Skills for Managers programme has been modified for online and face-to-face delivery. It will be remotely delivered through MS Teams and facilitated by subject matter experts.  The programme consists of two days online and one face-to-face workshop.

Dates for this course are to be confirmed.

Training ProviderInstitute of Public Administration
Course LocationBallsbridge, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 4
Course CategoryConflict Management & Mediation, Management & Leadership Development
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course Start Date2nd March 2021
Course End Date12th March 2021
Course DurationThree Days
Course Fee900.00
Phone01 240 3666
For information about Institute of Public Administration, please visit our Training Provider page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Institute of Public Administration

57-61 Lansdowne Road,, Ballsbridge, Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ireland. Eircode: D04 TC62

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    Institute of Public Administration
    57-61 Lansdowne Road,
    Ballsbridge, Ballsbridge, Dublin
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