Course Description

Project Management in Practice

At Althris, our ‘Project Management in Practice’ course will take you through the project management processes and how you can implement these processes to ensure project success. Learn how to manage the stages of projects, and how to avoid common pitfalls throughout the process. The main outcome is not only to complete projects successfully but also to make sure that they are done so in an efficient and effective manner.

The course includes workshops on the following topics; Introduction to project management, initiating your project, defining your project, managing your project, and closing your project. Our trainers put emphasis on practical examples and ensuring you can confidently implement all stages of project management.

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Training ProviderAlthris
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 18
Course CategoryManagement Development, Management & Leadership Development
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course Duration2 days
Entry RequirementsThere are no pre-requisites for this course other than an interest in Project Management!
Carear PathThe Project Management in Practice course is aimed at those who want to better understand project management principles and practices. It will be of benefit to anyone involved directly in project work - whether in a small group effort or a significant undertaking.
Phone01 254 8600
For information about Althris, please visit our Training Provider page on by clicking here.

Course Provider


Suite 17, The Cubes Offices, Beacon South Quarter, Sandyford Business Park,, Sandyford, Dublin, Ireland

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    Suite 17, The Cubes Offices, Beacon South Quarter, Sandyford Business Park,
    Sandyford, Dublin
    Visit Website