Course Description

Proposal Writing Training Course

The thought of writing a proposal overwhelms many people, but the task does not have to be so daunting. The goal is always the same, to influence the reader to make the choice that you have proposed. Your ideas or suggestions are more likely to be approved if you can communicate them in a clear, concise and engaging manner. Knowing how to write a persuasive, captivating proposal is essential for success in many fields in today’s competitive business environment and your ability to write powerful proposals can increase sales and encourage referrals.

Training ProviderDCM Learning
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 8
Course CategoryWriting Skills, Communication Skills
Course Start Date19th May 2017
Course Duration1 day
Course FeePOA
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Course Provider

DCM Learning

Guiness Enterprise Centre, Taylor's Lane, Dublin, Ireland

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    DCM Learning
    Guiness Enterprise Centre
    Taylor's Lane, Dublin
    Visit Website