Course Description

Radio Broadcasting for Beginners

Radio Broadcasting for Beginners is a foundation broadcasting course, aimed at those who wish to gain an understand of the basic elements involved in radio broadcasting. The course runs over five Tuesday evenings, with one Saturday afternoon workshop and based in radio studios in Dublin 1.

The course covers presentation, production, news, music and editing and gives a broad overview of the main elements in each of these areas.

Training ProviderThe Radio School, Dublin
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 1
Course CategoryInterview Skills, Communication Skills
Course TypePractical
Course QualificationCertificate of Attendance
Awarding Body DetailsCertificate of Attendance
Course DurationFive weeks
Course Time5 x Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 9pm and one Saturday afternoon workshop from 1pm to 4pm
Course Fee320
Entry RequirementsA general interest and enthusiasm for the field of radio broadcasting
Carear PathWork in the media, particular in a radio station
Phone01 865 2177
For information about The Radio School, Dublin, please visit our Training Provider page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

The Radio School, Dublin

2nd floor, Castleforbes House, Castleforbes Road, Dublin City North, Dublin, Republic of Ireland. Eircode: D01 A8N0

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    The Radio School, Dublin
    2nd floor, Castleforbes House
    Castleforbes Road, Dublin City North, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
    Visit Website