Course Description

Social Media for Business Award

This course provides you with the basic knowledge you need across key social media platforms, as well as an overview of how SEO and video for business can help. It goes much further than just scratching the surface, always considering the business benefits of using each platform.
Working through the different modules you’ll start to feel comfortable with a number of different social media tools, and see how you could utilise these at different points within a social media strategy.

Training ProviderPitman Training Centre (Wexford)
Course LocationWexford
Course CategorySocial Media Marketing, Sales & Marketing
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course Duration45 hours or 2 weeks full-time study
Phone053 914 7626
For information about Pitman Training Centre (Wexford), please visit our Training Provider page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Pitman Training Centre (Wexford)

Pitman Training Centre Wexford, Unit 10, Westpoint Business Park, Clonard, Wexford Town, Wexford, Republic of Ireland. Eircode: Y35 YX60

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    Pitman Training Centre (Wexford)
    Pitman Training Centre Wexford, Unit 10, Westpoint Business Park, Clonard
    Wexford Town, Wexford
    Republic of Ireland
    Visit Website