Course Description

Train the Trainer

Becoming involved in training in your company is a wonderful opportunity to broaden your skill-set. Being a good trainer, however, involves a lot more than just good presentation skills; you also need to ensure that your audience actively learns from your training sessions and that they can practically apply the information to their own work environment. This course will help you to gain the skills to be an excellent trainer.

Training ProviderIrish Business Training Ltd.
Course LocationRaheen, Limerick
Course CategoryTrain the Trainer, People Management
Course Duration1/2 days
For information about Irish Business Training Ltd., please visit our Training Provider page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Irish Business Training Ltd.

Raheen Conference Centre, Raheen, Limerick, Ireland

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    Irish Business Training Ltd.
    Raheen Conference Centre
    Raheen, Limerick
    Visit Website