Course Description

Upselling for Customer Service Training

For many of us, the thoughts of upselling might bring up images of sleazy salespeople trying to line their pockets by selling us extra stuff we dont need. Unfortunately, sometimes that does happen. What if you could make your customer feel like an upsell is helping them, then youll both win. Did you know? 70% of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated. If you and your staff are not using any upselling or cross-selling techniques, you are allowing thousands of euros of business to walk out the door every year.

Training ProviderDCM Learning
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 8
Course CategoryCustomer Service & Care, Sales & Marketing
Course Start Date24th February 2017
Course Duration1 day
Course FeePOA
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Course Provider

DCM Learning

Guiness Enterprise Centre, Taylor's Lane, Dublin, Ireland

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    DCM Learning
    Guiness Enterprise Centre
    Taylor's Lane, Dublin
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