Why Is Customer Service Important In Business?
Good customer service is critical to any industry if you want to compete effectively. It used to be the case that people would choose which companies they did business with based on price, or the product or service offered. However, these days it is the overall experience that is often the driving force behind choosing which company or service to utilise. Good customer service means good customer experience. This is especially true when your support team can move beyond simply reacting to problems and toward anticipating customers’ problems. When a companies support agents have the skills to go above-and-beyond for customers or have a help desk solution that makes it easy for customers avail of other relevant services, they can create winning experiences that help businesses to stand out from the competition.
Customer Service Training Benefits
There are several benefits to training staff to give great customer service. Here are some of those benefits:
- Greater Employee Engagement. One of the most common customer service training benefits is employee motivation. Providing training in customer service gives employees a greater understanding of the impact their role has on the business. A business that invests in training shows their employees that they care about continual development and progress.
With your organisation investing in the employees and team training, this will have a positive effect on how the team feel the company view them. They will feel that they are important to the company and add value to the organisation. - High levels of Customer Satisfaction. Through training in customer service, employees gain new skills and develop abilities to handle challenges. In Ireland, we have a bit more work to do about complaint handling. 74% of customers don’t complain- they simply walk away. That represents one massive opportunity for any business. By having quality customer service training your employees will be able to capitalise on service opportunities – Make an unhappy customer and become a delighted customer
- Increase in Profits. By investing in training your employees to rise to a level of providing excellent customer service consistently it will lead to increases across the business. Quality customer service training enables the company to achieve is higher customer retention, the acquisition of new customers, reduced employee turnover and increased sales. The training has an extremely positive effect on morale and drives to achieve goals/targets.
What Might A Course Cover?
A customer service training course might cover some of the following topics:
- Customer Service Principles
- Customer Service Excellence
- Emotional Intelligence
- Communication Skills
- Principles of Customer Service
- Enhancing Organisational Success with Customer Service
- Key Features of Excellent Customer Service
- Making a Great Impression
- Different Kinds of Customers
- Meeting Customer Needs
- Catering for Diversity and Disability
- Understanding Customer Perceptions
- Legislation on Customer Service
- Regulatory Bodies
- Customer Protection, Representation and Redress
- Customer Perceptions
- Elements affecting Customer Service
- Conduct of Customer Service Personnel
- Appropriate communication technologies
- Oral and Written Skills
- Correspondence in Customer Service
- Responding to Customer Complaints
- Handling Challenging Situations and Customer Behaviours
- Customer Service strategies in handling special customers
- Teamwork
- Building Customer Loyalty
- Market Research
- Market Segmentation
- Strategy Formulation
- Building customer loyalty
- Explain Customer Service Rating System
- Measuring Customer Service
- Evaluating Staff Performance
Who Should Take Up Customer Service Training?
From executives to interns and everyone in between, customer service training can be of benefit to everyone. If a company wants to be truly customer-focused, its employees need to understand how important customer service is to the business. Thye must also know how good customer service fits into the companies culture, and be aware of the role they play in this culture. That sort of knowledge and confidence doesn’t happen spontaneously; it requires training. That is why everyone who deals in any way with customers will benefit from customer service training.