Microsoft Powerpoint remains one of the most reliable office tools in relating to presenting information in a way that’s easy for the audience to digest. Although there have been a host of web-based competitors, Powerpoint remains one of the most accessible, flexible and reliable presentation tools on the market. For those in corporate position, and for those seeking to develop their career within organisations, successful presentation skills are a must and that’s where a course in Powerpoint successfully delivers. In today’s data driven environment, it’s very important to be able to tell the story of a piece of data in a powerful manner. By completing training in Powerpoint, you will have the tools to develop presentations that are recognisable and easily understandable to a wide audience. Whether you are new to the package or have some experience with Powerpoint, an online course is perfect for you, covering beginner, intermediate and advanced lessons in Powerpoint.
What are Powerpoint courses?
Sometimes delivered online, a Powerpoint course is designed to help you tell a story or deliver data driven information in a visual manner. You will learn how to structure a presentation and include insights and supporting materials. You will also learn design principles, revolving around the creation of effective imagery, visuals and slides while developing your presentation skills. You’ll gain skills for client facing communication, including public speaking, executive presence and compelling storylines. The course is based on real-world usage of course, so you will be presented with case studies such as a business problem and a set of data from which to construct an effective presentation.
What the course covers
- Background to Powerpoint and what the package can do
- Strengths and weaknesses of the package and how to tailor your presentations accordingly
- How to prepare a presentation from scratch
- How to incorporate corporate brand guidelines and imagery into Powerpoint
- How to develop your own communication style
- How to create effective, and interactive slides
- Adding photos, video and audio to your presentations
- Working with transitions, cuts and fades
- Working with cloud based applications
- Sharing and collaborating with others on presentations
- Creation of storyboards and data displays
- How to troubleshoot issues in Powerpoint and develop your knowledge in line with standard industry practises
- How to present, using different devices and to different audiences.
What You Will Learn
Indispensable skills in terms of developing and delivering a presentation to your peers, managers and clients. You will receive feedback and develop on it, using guidelines and industry best practises that have been developed on the course. You will have the opportunity to provide feedback on presentations developed by others and suggest changes that will enhance those presentations,. The key to successful training on packages such as Powerpoint is interaction, feedback and the opportunity to engage with your peer group on the course. We will also provide you with very practical tips to make your presentations smoother and more professional. These include keyboard shortcuts and other elements such as the presenter’s view which enables you to keep track of your presentation while it’s in progress.
Why it Delivers
Powerpoint training, and any software training in general should always be adjusted and customised for the specific needs of any particular organisation or individual, whatever the level. For a company, using an organisation’s own templates, visuals, brand language and identity, Powerpoint training can enhance and deliver to communications capability of that organisation. You can also search webinars and support notes which are ideal for topping up and refreshing knowledge learned on the course. In terms of bespoke training, we can assist with specific training needs and provide customised training aides where necessary. Search today and find out more about how Powerpoint training courses can deliver for you.